Precedent Assist
3E Mattersphere
3E Mattersphere
Mosmar are certified consultants in 3E MatterSphere. We know the product inside out, including how to supplement it to make life easier for MatterSphere administrators.
Precedent Assist provides a simplistic interface for adding automation to Mattersphere precedents.
The Precedent Assist developer environment appears as a ‘pane’ next to your document in Microsoft Word, allowing you to maintain focus of your document whilst editing your precedent.
Searching for MatterSphere fields and configuring the conditional statements is fast and efficient.
As a Thomson Reuters Elite 3E MatterSphere consulting company, we identified certain precedent editing tasks that could be simplified to enable faster up-skilling of resources and faster turnaround of precedents.
The average IT department does not have the resources available to maintain precedents, nor does it often have the desire.
Precedent administrators, document editors, administrative or secretarial staff now have a tool empowering them to create complex precedents without IT assistance.
3E MatterSphere is a fantastic matter and task management solution which includes the ability to capture and reuse data amongst it’s interfaces, reports and documents.
Precedent Assist complements MatterSphere by taking it’s core precedent automation solution and supplementing it with more advanced conditional logic, that don’t take an IT degree to configure.
You will turn around simple precedents incredibly quickly, create complex automated precedents without IT assistance, and work seamlessly with a team of editors using the centralised field database.
Search by Field Code, Field Value and Help Text
Drag and drop the field you need
Select an Advanced Function to use
Test your precedent using a sample client/matter
Keep it Simple
What do we need in our Precedents? MatterSphere Fields!
What is the easiest way to add them? Drag n drop!
Search for the field you need, drop it where it needs to go. Simple!