
Feed the workhorse that is ShareDo – what does it love? Data!

Capturing and maintaining data is critical for the accurate and successful carriage of a legal matter. The more data you collect, the more power you have over your legal operations. 

In our experience, many law firms are “document driven”. They draft, send, receive and store documents. However, without accurate review processes, those documents become stale and static and are often not leveraged for future case work. The best practice is for documents to be a by product of legal case data, not the data themselves.  

Data captured can:

  • Advise and strategise on the most successful approach for matter handling.
  • Feed into documents and emails for accurate and effective communications.
  • Direct tasks and workflows for optimum efficiency.
  • Influence reports that guide and educate law firms on resource allocation and potential matter velocity roadblocks.

With ShareDo – data can be entered in many different ways:

  • During intake of a new matter.
  • By a client via ShareDo’s Portal.
  • By the lawyer alongside the client during an initial meeting or call.
  • By the law firm’s new business intake team.

And also in the ongoing carriage of the matter it can be updated by:

  • The client via ShareDo’s Portal
  • The lawyer as they complete tasks and receive notifications
  • The team as they collaboratively work on the case plan

Want to know how ShareDo could help reinvigorate your legal process management? It’s no secret we are big fans after seeing what it can do for law firms. Give us a shout- we would love to chat. Reach out to us here.

There are rules and regulations by which the Australian court system accepts the submission of legal documents. Understandably so, given the importance of such content – but it can be a headache for many law firms.

Here are our top 5 benefits of managing Court Forms in the solutions we love – ShareDo and Templafy.

1️⃣ Precedents/templates are in Microsoft Word .docx format, ensuring formatting and styles are consistent

2️⃣ Content is stored in pieces (content block or text elements) to be re-used across multiple templates

3️⃣ Form prompts help the user to complete the document (questionnaires or gating questions)

4️⃣ A template builder interface inside Microsoft Word providing low-code configuration in a familiar environment

5️⃣ Documents have context of a matter for population of data, parties (Plaintiffs/Defendants) and key dates



ShareDo announces Mosmar partnership

For over 15 years, Mosmar has been a trusted advisor to the legal technology industry. Mosmar provides cutting-edge solutions for document generation, workflow management and custom services that streamline legal processes and maximise productivity whilst minimising risk.

The Mosmar senior consulting team have previously worked in law firms, including CEO, Rebecca Painter, who was the IT Director at a large firm. The Mosmar team is unique in that they have insight into the technology pain points faced by law firms and with this deep understanding, they have developed a suite of solutions and service offerings for firms of all sizes. 


I am thrilled to announce Mosmar’s partnership with ShareDo. The team at ShareDo are trailblazers in the case management space – and are a really great bunch of people! I have followed their journey since they started in the UK and I am so excited to partner with them to introduce the amazing ShareDo platform to Australian law firms which will revolutionise legal process management. ShareDo is the perfect addition to Mosmar’s range of tech solutions for the legal industry.

Rebecca Painter, CEO, Mosmar

Read more here about how Mosmar is helping firms with ShareDo.

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